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Seminario: Towards a responsible use of AI & neurotechnology


Il 26 maggio 2023, alle ore 16.30 presso il Museo di Storia della Medicina di Sapienza Università di Roma in Viale dell'Università 34a - 00185 Roma, Il Prof. Pim Haselager (Radboud University) terrà il seminario :

"Towards a responsible use of AI & neurotechnology"
The progress in AI and neuroscience is almost overwhelming. Recent developments such as chatGPT are all over the news, and neurotechnologies such as brain reading and brain stimulation are close to becoming commercially viable. The new applications are accompanied by increased concerns about their ethical and societal implications. Calls for a pause in the training of AI and for the development of ’neurorights’, are supported by many researchers. The presentation will provide a brief introduction to recent developments, identify some major ethical concerns, and discuss ways to stimulate a responsible use of AI and neurotechnology.


Il seminario è organizzato nell'ambito del Progetto di Ateneo 2021

"The artificial intelligence and us: how we react, how we can live together" ( Resp. scientifico: Prof. Fabio Babiloni ).


Per info: Dott.ssa Elisabetta Sirgiovanni


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